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Even Great(er) Value!

Redeveloping Walmart's largest private brand
Even Great(er) Value! image
Walmart USA



To re-develop Walmart’s largest, most important brand, stretching across every category from grocery to consumables; creating a shift in brand perception from a disparate collection of functional products to a confident, forward thinking brand with a focus on quality and value, “everything you need under one roof.”

What we did

A unifying brand idea “Hero in Your Home” with a focus on communicating what makes every product great; simplifying the consumer experience and engaging at a more emotional level to instil a greater sense of trust and confidence. The new design is mindful of fast changing consumer needs around innovation, sustainability and enhanced communication. A real hero in every category


This re-design has contributed significantly to the growth of Walmart’s total food, consumables and health & wellness sales. It is the retailer’s biggest brand launch, involving 4,500 products. The Great Value brand was reportedly purchased by 72% of the U.S. population in 2022.*
Great Value is currently the second biggest brand (sales) in the US.

