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Getting Scholl up and running in under a month

Rapid packaging system implementation and migration

Technology – e flow


Following the acquisition of Scholl from Reckitt (an existing technology customer) we were asked to manage system segmentation and get Scholl operational as a standalone entity as quickly as possible.

What we did

Benefiting from the multi-tenanted nature of our software, we quickly identified the data, digital assets, and approval audit information to be migrated to Scholl. We created a new e-flow site for Scholl; transferred the relevant workflow processes, users and data using specially created migration workflows, bringing them to operational readiness in the shortest timeframe possible.


We helped the team at Scholl with validating the system, both operationally and in accordance with their processes. Data migrated between Scholl and Reckitt was fully segmented in accordance with their technical agreements, while also ensuring historic data was available to both parties for regulatory compliance.

Ultimately, e-flow was available for use within a month.
